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C# Training


C# is the most popularly used programming language for developing different types of .net applications. As per todays trend, C# has more demand. C# is an Object Oriented Programming language, It is introduced specifically for .NET and thus has no backward compatibility issues.

Deccansoft C# Training course is the entry level program for all those beginners who are looking for a career in .net and thus will have to begin with developing command over the programming language syntax. At our C# Training Institute, our course not only helps one in understanding language syntax but it also helps in knowing good practices to become a successful software developer. At our C# training in Hyderabad, teaching methodology is such that our trainers will ease teach participants C# language use the same interchangeably for other advanced topics like XML, ADO.NET, Win Forms etc... We assure you that learning C# will surely make you a better candidate to get job than most of the other fresher's who learn only one programming language.

C# Training at Deccansoft includes detailed explanation of every topic covering all the concepts related to the topic and is followed by practical demonstration / walkthrough of the same in classroom. Students in classroom will be provided with excellent course material prepared by our expert team so that the same can be used for revising the subject at later point of time (may be just before attending an interview). Our C# training center provides excellent course material which contains important points about the topic, sample programs and walkthroughs. These will help the participant to practice the examples independently and develop expertise in the subject knowledge.

C# Training Objectives

  1. To use VS.NET IDE and all its features.
  2. To learn major features of .NET Framework and their involvement in .NET platform.
  3. To learn major concepts behind CLR (Common Language Runtime)
  4. To gain very deep understanding of C# language features.
  5. To understand and implement practically concepts of Object Orientation which is most important for all types of application development.
  6. To create and manage Collections and Generics.
  7. To build reusable .net components.
  8. To develop database intensive applications using ADO.NET.
  9. To develop an ability to read and write data in streams and files, serialize and de-serialize an object graph.
  10. To build a standard GUI for Windows Based Applications using WinForms.
  11. To develop scalable applications using Multithreading features of .NET
  12. To Interoperate data with other technologies using XML
  13. To develop a complete applications as in realtime development environment using N-Tier architecture.
  14. To build Setup package and deploy .net applications in production environment.


Participants are required to have basic knowledge of any one programming language.

In case you don’t have knowledge of any programming knowledge and if you are beginning your career in programming for the first time, we would suggest you to learn “C” for free from http://www.bestCTraining.com.

C# Training Syllabus

  1. Entry point method - Main.
  2.  Command Line Parameters
  3.  Compiling and Building Projects
  1.  Variables and Data Types
  2.  String & StringBuilder.
  3.  Boxing and Unboxing
  4.  Operators
  5.  Statements
  6.  Arrays and Strings
  7.  Procedures and Functions
  1.  Object and Class Definition
  2.  Understanding Identity, State, and Behavior
  3.  Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a
  4. single class
  5.  Inheritance and Polymorphism.
  1.  Adding Variables and Methods
  2.  Properties and Indexers
  3.  Constructors and Destructors
  4.  Type Initialize
  5.  Extension Methods
  6.  Anonymous Types
  7.  Memory Management and Garbage Collection
  8.  Shared / Static Members
  9.  Method Overloading
  10.  Anonymous Methods
  11.  Partial Classes & Methods
  12.  Operator Overloading
  13.  Inner Classes
  14.  Attributes and their Usage
  1.  Deriving classes
  2.  Calling base class constructor
  3.  Overriding Methods
  4.  Non-Inheritable Classes.
  5. Abstract Class
  6.  Interface Inheritance
  7.  Namespace and Access Modifiers
  1.  List and Dictionary
  2.  ArrayList and HashTable
  3.  Generic Classes & Methods
  4.  List and Dictionary
  5.  IEnumerable and IEnumerator
  1.  Handling Exceptions using try and catch
  2.  Raising Exceptions using throw
  3.  Pre-defined Exception classes
  4.  Custom Exception classes
  5.  Using Statement
  1.  UnSafe Code
  2.  fixed Keyword.
  3.  Operator Overloading.
  4.  Reflection
  5.  P-Invoke
  1.  Byte Streams
  2.  Readers and Writers.
  3.  Binary Streams
  4.  Console and File I/O
  5.  Serialization & Deserialization
  1.  Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
  2.  Private and Shared Assemblies
  3.  Singing Assemblies for Strong Names
  4.  Deploying .NET Assemblies in Global Assembly Cache
  1.  Introduction
  2.  Application Domains
  3.  Creating and Managing Threads
  4.  Thread Priority
  5.  Thread States
  6.  Thread Synchronization using Monitor and Mutex
  1. Introduction to ADO.NET
  2.  Managed Providers
  3.  Working with Connection, Command,
  4. DataReader and Transaction objects
  5. Working with Prepared Statements and Stored
  6. Procedures.
  7.  Connection Pooling and Multiple Active Result Sets
  8.  Working with DataSet
  9.  Adding, Deleting and Modifying records in a Dataset
  10.  Data Tables, Data Columns and DataRows ,
  11. Constraints and DataRelations
  12.  Using DataView
  13.  Wording with DataGridView.
  1.  Introduction
  2.  Controls
  3.  Menus and Conext Menus
  4.  MenuStrip, ToolbarStrip.
  5.  Graphics and GDI
  6.  SDI and MDI Applications
  7.  Dialogbox (Modal and Modeless)
  8.  Form Inheritance
  9.  Working with Resource Files
  10.  Working with Settings
  11.  Other Misc topics.
  1.  Introduction
  2.  XML-DOM
  3.  XMLDocument, XMLElement, XMLAttribute
  4.  Interoperating with DataSet
  5.  XMLDataDocument
  6.  XML TextReader / XML TextWriter
  7.  XPath.
  1.  Purpose and Advantage
  2.  Developing and Deploying
  3.  Debugging Widows Service
  4.  Sending Custom events
  1.  Compiled Deployment of ASP.NET application.
  2.  Types of Deployment Modules
  3.  Working with a Setup and Web Setup Project
  4.  Working with a Merge Module Project
  1.  Debug and Release Compilation
  2.  Debug and Trace Objects
  3.  Tracing Switches & Listeners
  4.  Debugging JavaScript from VS.NET
  5.  Debugging SQL-Server Stored Procedures.

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